Hello in this period I have decided to deepen some of the topics that I have often dealt with during my training courses, but that I have never had the time to be able to transform it into something structured.
I dedicated myself to deepen the subject following a scheme outlined as follows:
starting from the analysis of scientific publications and from what are the codified evaluation tests, deepen the analysis and action of the muscles involved to arrive at a proposal of exercises according to the objectives to be achieved.
the publications examined are both those with a scientific impact and those aimed at operators in the sector looking for and selecting the articles that deal with the three aspects on which I want to address the interest of the core training system:
accident prevention
sports performance
When we talk about coded evaluation tests we mean those that give a result that allows you to make a comparison at the time of the re-test after a training period. Not only this but also a battery of differentiated tests for a static execution or a dynamic execution
I wanted to make a slightly more in-depth evaluation, compared to what is usually proposed, of the muscles that must really be included in the concept of core and how these operate for the purpose we want to achieve, that is, that of a core functional to the intended purposes.
From this analysis a selection was generated and also a progression in terms of increasing difficulty of the exercises that will be performed in static training mode and in dynamic training mode. For the execution of the exercises it was decided to use a further variation which consists in using different types of stable surfaces and multiple variables of unstable surfaces with the use of more or less small tools.
Within iLAB we are developing all this in order to create guidelines useful for achieving the desired objectives.
To the most curious anticipation that all this will be presented in a new theoretical-practical course within the iLAB training project.
If you would like information, do not hesitate to contact us and we will give you further information.